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How To Find Your Correct Sun Sign If You Were Born on the Cusp

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? Just look at any astrology site online, and Sun signs tend to be featured right there on the front page. Open most newspapers and popular lifestyle magazines, and you’ll find a monthly horoscope with the dates for each Sun sign.

What If You Were Born on the Cusp?

Even the most skeptical people in our society tend to know their Sun sign. Did you ever notice, though, that there are slight variations on each page or horoscope column? Check out the two examples below:

Aries: Mar 21 — Apr 19 (from

Aries: Mar 21 — Apr 21 (from

So if you’re born on April 20th, are you an Aries or are you a Taurus, the next sign? It actually depends on what year you were born and, in some instances, the time.

How to be Certain of Your Sun Sign

If your birthday is close to the beginning or end of a sign—from the 18th to the 22nd of any month—you may want to use the steps below so you can be certain of your Sun sign.

  1. Head on over to Astrodienst, one of our fave astrology sites.

  2. Click on Create a Horoscope Immediately as a Guest User.

  3. Enter your name, preferred gender (all of the gender options will receive the same chart), birthday, time of birth (VERY important if you have it!), country, and town where you were born.

  4. Click continue, then scroll all the way to the Horoscope Chart Drawings category.

  5. Click Chart Drawing, Ascendant…

…and voilà! You will see your correct and accurate Sun sign (along with the rest of your astro-placements) listed right under your name and birth info. :-)

Are you still the Sun sign you always thought you were, or did it change? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Further Resources

Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs.

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